The third day of the Olympiad Diary
The third day of the Olympiad was really busy. The second tour of the Olympiad in Mathematics was held today. Russian and Iran pupils solved the tasks in the Presidential Lyceum “Sirius”, while contestants from China and Thailand did it distantly. Sets of four tasks were offered for schoolchildren, just like yesterday.
Assigning of the Olympiad tasks, Thailand
The students enjoyed ARMO problems, it's a different style compared to Chinese Olympiads.
They think each problem is nice. Their favorite problem is 10.4, although none of them solved it.
They also comment that 10.8 is not hard enough for position 4, 10.6 maybe harder.
I think it is just because Chinese students are good at algebra problems, and not so good at combinatorial problems.
Team-leader, Zhenhua Qu
To take a break from two exciting days of the tours, pupils took part in different leisure activities after lunch. The excursion to the campus of Sirius Educational Center was organized for contestants from Iran. They’ve seen the internal structure of the leading educational Center for gifted children in our country.

In the evening our foreign guests tried a new sports activity - skating, with supervision of experienced coaches at the “Snowflake" rink, which is one of the objects in the Olympic Park.
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